All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description Adaptor AdaptorDescription AdaptorStatus contains information on a specific adaptor.AdaptorLoader AtScheduler AtSchedulerAdaptor AttributeNotSupportedException Signals that a requested file attribute is not supported by the underlying file system implementation.AtUtils BadParameterException Signals that a parameter has an invalid value.BatchProcess BatchProcess wraps anInteractiveProcess
to emulate a batch process.CertificateCredential A container for security Information based upon certificates.CertificateNotFoundException Signals that a certificate file could not be found.CommandNotFoundException Signals that a command could not be found.CommandRunner Runs a command.ConnectionLostException Signals that a connection was lost.CopyCancelledException CopyMode CopyOption is an enumeration containing all possible options for copying a file.CopyStatus CopyStatus contains status information for a specific copy operation.Credential Credential represents a user credential uses to gain access to a resource.CredentialMap ACredential
consisting of a collection of Credentials each uniquely identified by a String (typically a host name or host alias).CredentialNotFoundException Signals that a credential could not be found.DaemonThreadFactory Deadline DefaultCredential This class represents the default credential that may be used by the various adaptors.DirectoryNotEmptyException Signals that directory is not empty.EndOfFileException Signals that an end-of-file was encountered.FileAdaptor FileSystem FileSystem represent a (possibly remote) file system that can be used to access data.FileSystem.CopyStatusImplementation CopyStatus contains status information for a specific copy operation.FileSystemAdaptorDescription FileSystemClosedException Signals that a unknown Copy handle was provided.FtpFileAdaptor FtpFileSystem FtpFileSystem.CloseableClient GridEngineScheduler Interface to the GridEngine command line tools.GridEngineSchedulerAdaptor GridEngineSetup Holds some info on the specifics of the machine we are connected to, such as queues and parallel environments.GridEngineUtils Generator for GridEngine job script.GridEngineXmlParser Parses xml output from various grid engine command line tools.IncompatibleVersionException Signals that an adaptor is unable to connect to a resource due to version problems.IncompleteJobDescriptionException Signals that a JobDescription is missing required options.InputWriter A simple input writer that uses a daemon thread to write from anString
to anOutputStream
.InteractiveProcess InteractiveProcessFactory InvalidCredentialException Signals that an invalid credential was used to access a resource.InvalidJobDescriptionException Signals that a JobDescription contains invalid values for certain options.InvalidLocationException Signals that an invalid location was provided.InvalidOptionsException Signals that an invalid combination of OpenOptions have been specified.InvalidPathException Signals that an end-of-file was encountered.InvalidPropertyException Signals that a property has a different type than the get method it was retrieved with.InvalidResumeTargetException Signals that the data in the target of a resume does not match the data in the source.JavaJobDescription A JobDescription specialized in Java applications.JobCanceledException Signals that a jobs has been canceled by the user.JobDescription JobDescription contains a description of a job that can be submitted to aScheduler
.JobExecutor JobQueueScheduler JobSeenMap JobStatus JobStatus contains status information for a specific job.JobStatusImplementation JobStatus contains status information for a specific job.KeytabCredential LocalFileAdaptor LocalFiles implements an XenonFiles
adaptor for local file operations.LocalFileSystem LocalFileSystemUtils LocalInteractiveProcess LocalInteractiveProcess implements aInteractiveProcess
for local interactive processes.LocalInteractiveProcessFactory LocalSchedulerAdaptor LocalFiles implements an XenonJobs
adaptor for local job operations.NoSpaceException Signals that an end-of-file was encountered.NoSuchCopyException Signals that a unknown Copy handle was provided.NoSuchJobException Signals that a Job was not found.NoSuchPathException Signals that a path does not exists.NoSuchQueueException Signals that a unknown queue was provided.NotConnectedException Signals that there was no connection.OutputReader A simple output reader that uses a daemon thread to read from anInputStream
and buffer this data.ParallelEnvironmentInfo Class that holds some info on parallel environments used in Grid Engine.ParallelEnvironmentInfo.AllocationRule PasswordCredential A Credential consisting of a username + password combination.Path Path contains a sequence of path elements separated by a separator.PathAlreadyExistsException Signals that a path already exists.PathAttributes FileAttributes represents a set of attributes of a path.PathAttributesImplementation FileAttributes represents a set of attributes of a path.PermissionDeniedException Signals that the user does not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation.PosixFilePermission PosixFilePermission is an enumeration containing all supported Posix file permissions.PosixFileUtils PosixFileUtils contains several utility functions related to Posix files.Process PropertyTypeException Signals that a property has a different type than the get method it was retrieved with.QueueInfo Class that holds some info on queues used in Grid Engine.QueueStatus QueueStatus contains status information for a specific queue.QueueStatusImplementation QueueStatus contains status information for a specific queue.RecursiveListIterator RemoteCommandRunner Runs a command.Scheduler Scheduler represents a (possibly remote) scheduler that can be used to submit jobs and retrieve queue information.SchedulerAdaptor SchedulerAdaptorDescription SchedulerClosedException Signals that a unknown Copy handle was provided.ScriptingParser ScriptingParser.TokenStream ScriptingScheduler Connection to a (remote) scheduler, implemented by calling command line commands over a local or ssh connection.ScriptingSchedulerAdaptor ScriptingUtils SftpFileAdaptor SftpFileSystem SlurmScheduler Interface to the GridEngine command line tools.SlurmSchedulerAdaptor Adaptor for Slurm scheduler.SlurmSetup SlurmUtils SSHConnection SshInteractiveProcess LocalBatchProcess implements aInteractiveProcess
for local batch processes.SshInteractiveProcessFactory SshSchedulerAdaptor SSHUtil SSHUtil.PasswordProvider SSHUtil.Tunnel StreamForwarder A simple stream forwarder that uses a daemon thread to read from anInputStream
and write it to aOutputStream
.Streams Streams is a container for the standard input, output and error streams of a job.StreamsImplementation Streams is a container for the standard input, output and error streams of a job.TorqueScheduler Interface to the TORQUE command line tools.TorqueSchedulerAdaptor Adaptor for TORQUE batch system.TorqueUtils Generator for GridEngine job script.TorqueXmlParser Parses xml output from TORQUE batch system.TransferClientInputStream Wraps an InputStream instance.TransferClientOutputStream Wraps an OutputStream instance.UnknownAdaptorException Thrown when an unknown adaptor name is provided.UnknownPropertyException Signals that a property has a different type than the get method it was retrieved with.UnsupportedJobDescriptionException Signals that a combination of options used in a JobDescription is not supported by a resource.UnsupportedOperationException Throw when an unsupported optional operation is called.UserCredential WebdavFileAdaptor WebdavFileSystem XenonException XenonException is the parent exception for all exceptions raised in Xenon.XenonProperties Read-only properties implementation.XenonPropertyDescription XenonPropertyDescription contains all necessary information about a property that is recognized by XenonXenonPropertyDescription.Type This Type enumeration lists all possible types of properties recognized by Xenon.XenonRuntimeException XenonRuntimeException is the parent for all runtime exceptions raised in Xenon.