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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AdaptorDescription AdaptorStatus contains information on a specific adaptor.AttributeNotSupportedException Signals that a requested file attribute is not supported by the underlying file system implementation.CertificateCredential A container for security Information based upon certificates.CopyCancelledException CopyMode CopyOption is an enumeration containing all possible options for copying a file.CopyStatus CopyStatus contains status information for a specific copy operation.Credential Credential represents a user credential uses to gain access to a resource.CredentialMap ACredential
consisting of a collection of Credentials each uniquely identified by a String (typically a host name or host alias).DaemonThreadFactory DefaultCredential This class represents the default credential that may be used by the various adaptors.DirectoryNotEmptyException Signals that directory is not empty.FileSystem FileSystem represent a (possibly remote) file system that can be used to access data.FileSystemAdaptorDescription FileSystemClosedException Signals that a unknown Copy handle was provided.IncompleteJobDescriptionException Signals that a JobDescription is missing required options.InputWriter A simple input writer that uses a daemon thread to write from anString
to anOutputStream
.InvalidCredentialException Signals that an invalid credential was used to access a resource.InvalidJobDescriptionException Signals that a JobDescription contains invalid values for certain options.InvalidLocationException Signals that an invalid location was provided.InvalidOptionsException Signals that an invalid combination of OpenOptions have been specified.InvalidPathException Signals that an end-of-file was encountered.InvalidPropertyException Signals that a property has a different type than the get method it was retrieved with.InvalidResumeTargetException Signals that the data in the target of a resume does not match the data in the source.JavaJobDescription A JobDescription specialized in Java applications.JobDescription JobDescription contains a description of a job that can be submitted to aScheduler
.JobStatus JobStatus contains status information for a specific job.KeytabCredential LocalFileSystemUtils NoSuchCopyException Signals that a unknown Copy handle was provided.NoSuchJobException Signals that a Job was not found.NoSuchPathException Signals that a path does not exists.NoSuchQueueException Signals that a unknown queue was provided.OutputReader A simple output reader that uses a daemon thread to read from anInputStream
and buffer this data.PasswordCredential A Credential consisting of a username + password combination.Path Path contains a sequence of path elements separated by a separator.PathAlreadyExistsException Signals that a path already exists.PathAttributes FileAttributes represents a set of attributes of a path.PosixFilePermission PosixFilePermission is an enumeration containing all supported Posix file permissions.PropertyTypeException Signals that a property has a different type than the get method it was retrieved with.QueueStatus QueueStatus contains status information for a specific queue.Scheduler Scheduler represents a (possibly remote) scheduler that can be used to submit jobs and retrieve queue information.SchedulerAdaptorDescription StreamForwarder A simple stream forwarder that uses a daemon thread to read from anInputStream
and write it to aOutputStream
.Streams Streams is a container for the standard input, output and error streams of a job.UnknownAdaptorException Thrown when an unknown adaptor name is provided.UnknownPropertyException Signals that a property has a different type than the get method it was retrieved with.UnsupportedJobDescriptionException Signals that a combination of options used in a JobDescription is not supported by a resource.UnsupportedOperationException Throw when an unsupported optional operation is called.UserCredential XenonException XenonException is the parent exception for all exceptions raised in Xenon.XenonPropertyDescription XenonPropertyDescription contains all necessary information about a property that is recognized by XenonXenonPropertyDescription.Type This Type enumeration lists all possible types of properties recognized by Xenon.XenonRuntimeException XenonRuntimeException is the parent for all runtime exceptions raised in Xenon.