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AdaptorDescription - Interface in nl.esciencecenter.xenon
AdaptorStatus contains information on a specific adaptor.
addArgument(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Add a command line argument for the executable.
addEnvironment(String, String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Add a variable to the environment of the executable.
addJavaArgument(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
addJavaClasspathElement(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
addJavaOption(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Adds a JVM option.
addJavaSystemProperty(String, String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Adds a system property to the current set of system properties.
addSchedulerArgument(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Add a scheduler specific argument.
appendToFile(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Open an existing file and return an OutputStream to append data to this file.
AttributeNotSupportedException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
Signals that a requested file attribute is not supported by the underlying file system implementation.
AttributeNotSupportedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.AttributeNotSupportedException
AttributeNotSupportedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.AttributeNotSupportedException


BOOLEAN - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription.Type
Properties of type BOOLEAN can be either "true" or "false".
bytesCopied() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyStatus
Get the number of bytes that have been copied.
bytesToCopy() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyStatus
Get the number of bytes that need to be copied for the entire copy operation.


canAppend() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystemAdaptorDescription
cancel(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Cancel a copy operation.
cancelJob(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Cancel a job.
canCreateSymboliclinks() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystemAdaptorDescription
Can this adaptor create symbolic links ? In third party copy, a file is copied between two remote locations, without passing through the local machine first.
canReadSymboliclinks() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystemAdaptorDescription
Can this adaptor read symbolic links ?
CertificateCredential - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials
A container for security Information based upon certificates.
CertificateCredential(String, String, char[]) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CertificateCredential
Constructs a CertificateCredential out of a username, a certificate file containing a private key, and an optional passphrase.
close() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Close this FileSystem.
close() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Close this Scheduler.
contains(PosixFilePermission, PosixFilePermission...) - Static method in enum nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
Check if a sequence of PosixFilePermissions contains a specific option.
containsCredential(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CredentialMap
Check if the key is stored in this CredentialMap.
convertFromOctal(String) - Static method in enum nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
convertToOctal(Set<PosixFilePermission>) - Static method in enum nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
copy(Path, FileSystem, Path, CopyMode, boolean) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Asynchronously Copy an existing source path to a target path on a different file system.
CopyCancelledException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
CopyCancelledException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyCancelledException
CopyMode - Enum in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
CopyOption is an enumeration containing all possible options for copying a file.
CopyStatus - Interface in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
CopyStatus contains status information for a specific copy operation.
create(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Create a new FileSystem using the adaptor that connects to a data store at the default location using the default credentials to get access.
create(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Create a new Scheduler using the adaptor connecting to the default location and using the default credentials to get access.
create(String, String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Create a new FileSystem using the adaptor that connects to a data store at location using the default credentials to get access.
create(String, String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Create a new Scheduler using the adaptor connecting to the location using the default credentials to get access.
create(String, String, Credential) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Create a new FileSystem using the adaptor that connects to a data store at location using the credentials to get access.
create(String, String, Credential) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Create a new Scheduler using the adaptor connecting to the location using credentials to get access.
create(String, String, Credential, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Create a new FileSystem using the adaptor that connects to a data store at location using the credentials to get access.
create(String, String, Credential, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Create a new Scheduler using the adaptor connecting to the location using credentials to get access.
CREATE - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyMode
Copy to a new destination file, failing if the file already exists.
createDirectories(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Creates a new directory, failing if the directory already exists.
createDirectory(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Creates a new directory, failing if the directory already exists.
createFile(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Creates a new empty file, failing if the file already exists.
createSymbolicLink(Path, Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Creates a new symbolic link, failing if the link already exists (optional operation).
Credential - Interface in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials
Credential represents a user credential uses to gain access to a resource.
CredentialMap - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials
A Credential consisting of a collection of Credentials each uniquely identified by a String (typically a host name or host alias).
CredentialMap() - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CredentialMap
Create a new CredentialMap using null as the default credential.
CredentialMap(UserCredential) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CredentialMap
Creates a new CredentialMap and set the default credential to defaultCredential.


DaemonThreadFactory - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils
DaemonThreadFactory(String) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.DaemonThreadFactory
DEFAULT_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
The default separator to use.
DEFAULT_START_TIME - Static variable in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
The default start time
DefaultCredential - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials
This class represents the default credential that may be used by the various adaptors.
DefaultCredential() - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.DefaultCredential
DefaultCredential(String) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.DefaultCredential
delete(Path, boolean) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Deletes an existing path.
DirectoryNotEmptyException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
Signals that directory is not empty.
DirectoryNotEmptyException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.DirectoryNotEmptyException
DirectoryNotEmptyException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.DirectoryNotEmptyException
DOUBLE - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription.Type
Properties of type DOUBLE can be converted into a 64-bit floating point number using Double.valueOf(String).


endsWith(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Tests if this Path ends with the given Path represented as a String.
endsWith(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Tests if this Path ends with the given Path.
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CertificateCredential
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CredentialMap
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.DefaultCredential
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.KeytabCredential
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.PasswordCredential
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
exists(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Tests if a path exists.
expandTilde(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Expand the tilde in a String representation of a path by the users home directory, as provided by the user.home property.


FileSystem - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
FileSystem represent a (possibly remote) file system that can be used to access data.
FileSystemAdaptorDescription - Interface in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
FileSystemClosedException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
Signals that a unknown Copy handle was provided.
FileSystemClosedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystemClosedException
FileSystemClosedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystemClosedException


get(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CredentialMap
Retrieve the UserCredential stored using the key.
getAdaptorDescription(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Gives the description of the adaptor with the given name.
getAdaptorDescription(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Gives the description of the adaptor with the given name.
getAdaptorDescriptions() - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Gives a list of the descriptions of the available adaptors.
getAdaptorDescriptions() - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Gives a list of the descriptions of the available adaptors.
getAdaptorName() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Get the name of the adaptor that created this FileSystem.
getAdaptorName() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Get the name of the adaptor that created this Scheduler.
getAdaptorNames() - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Gives a list names of the available adaptors.
getAdaptorNames() - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Gives a list names of the available adaptors.
getArguments() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the command line arguments of the executable.
getArguments() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Constructs the command line arguments from the class path, the JVM options, the system properties, the main and the java arguments.
getArguments(char) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Constructs the command line arguments from the class path, the JVM options, the system properties, the main and the java arguments.
getAttributes(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Get the PathAttributes of an existing path.
getCertificateFile() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CertificateCredential
Returns the certificate file.
getCopyIdentifier() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyStatus
Get the copy identifier for which this CopyStatus was created.
getCoresPerTask() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the number of cores needed for each task.
getCreationTime() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Get the creation time for this file.
getCredential() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Get the credential that this FileSystem is using.
getCredential() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Get the credential that this Scheduler is using.
getDefault() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CredentialMap
Returns the default UserCredential.
getDefaultQueueName() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Get the name of the default queue.
getDefaultRuntime() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Get the default runtime of a job in minutes.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription
Returns the default value for this property.
getDescription() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.AdaptorDescription
Get the description of the adaptor.
getDescription() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription
Returns a human readable description of this property.
getEnvironment() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the environment of the executable.
getException() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyStatus
Get the exception produced by the Copy or while retrieving the status.
getException() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobStatus
Get the exception produced by the Job or while retrieving the status.
getException() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.QueueStatus
Get the exception produced by the queue, or null if hasException() returns false.
getExecutable() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the path to the executable.
getExecutable() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Returns the executable.
getExitCode() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobStatus
Get the exit code for the Job.
getFileName() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Get the file name or null if the Path is empty.
getFileNameAsString() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Get the file name as a String, or null if the Path is empty.
getFileSystem() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Retrieve the FileSystem used internally by this Scheduler.
getGroup() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Get the group of this file (optional operation).
getJavaArguments() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Returns the arguments for the main class.
getJavaClasspath() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Returns the java class path.
getJavaMain() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Returns the main class of the java application.
getJavaOptions() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Returns the JVM options.
getJavaSystemProperties() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Returns the java system properties.
getJobIdentifier() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobStatus
Get the job identifier of the Job for which this JobStatus was created.
getJobIdentifier() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Streams
Get the identifier of the job for which this Streams was created.
getJobs(String...) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Get all job identifier of jobs currently in (one ore more) queues.
getJobStatus(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Get the status of a Job.
getJobStatuses(String...) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Get the status of all specified jobs.
getKeytabFile() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.KeytabCredential
getLastAccessTime() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Get the last access time for this file.
getLastModifiedTime() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Get the last modified time for this file.
getLocalFileSystems() - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Returns all local FileSystems.
getLocalRoot(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Return the locally valid root element of an String representation of an absolute path.
getLocalRootlessPath(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Return the local root less path of an absolute path.
getLocalSeparator() - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Returns the local file system path separator character.
getLocation() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Get the location of the FileSystem.
getLocation() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Get the location that this Scheduler is connected to.
getMaxMemory() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the amount of memory needed for process (in MBytes).
getMaxRuntime() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the maximum job duration time in minutes.
getMessage() - Method in exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonException
getMessage() - Method in exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonRuntimeException
getName() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.AdaptorDescription
Get the name of the adaptor.
getName() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the job name.
getName() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobStatus
Get the name of the Job for which this JobStatus was created.
getName() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription
Returns the name of the property.
getName(int) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Get an element of this Path.
getNameCount() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Get the number of elements in the Path.
getOwner() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Get the owner of this file (optional operation).
getParent() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Get the parent Path, or null if this Path does not have a parent.
getPassword() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.PasswordCredential
Gets the password.
getPath() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Get the path these attributes belong to.
getPathSeparator() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Get the path separator used by this file system.
getPermissions() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Get the permissions of this file (optional operation).
getProperties() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Get the properties used to create this FileSystem.
getProperties() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Get the properties used to create this Scheduler.
getQueueName() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the queue name;
getQueueName() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.QueueStatus
Get the queue name.
getQueueNames() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Get the queue names supported by this Scheduler.
getQueueStatus(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Get the status of the queue.
getQueueStatuses(String...) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Get the status of all queues.
getResult() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.OutputReader
Returns the data that has been read from the InputStream as a byte array.
getResultAsString() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.OutputReader
Returns the data that has been read from the InputStream as a String.
getScheduler() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.QueueStatus
Get the Scheduler that produced this QueueStatus.
getSchedulerArguments() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the scheduler specific arguments.
getSchedulerSpecificInformation() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobStatus
Get scheduler specific information on the Job.
getSchedulerSpecificInformation() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.QueueStatus
Get scheduler specific information on the queue.
getSeparator() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Get the separator.
getSize() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Get the size of this file in bytes.
getStartTime() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the start time of the job.
getState() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyStatus
Get the state of the Copy operation.
getState() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobStatus
Get the state of the Job.
getStatus(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Retrieve the status of an copy.
getStderr() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Gets the path to the file to which the executable must redirect stderr.
getStderr() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Streams
Returns the standard error stream of job.
getStdin() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Gets the path to the file from which the executable must redirect stdin.
getStdin() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Streams
Returns the standard input stream of job.
getStdout() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Gets the path to the file to which the executable must redirect stdout.
getStdout() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Streams
Returns the standard output stream of job.
getSupportedCredentials() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.AdaptorDescription
Get the supported credential types for this adaptor.
getSupportedLocations() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.AdaptorDescription
Get the supported locations for this adaptor.
getSupportedProperties() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.AdaptorDescription
Returns an array containing all properties this adaptor supports.
getTasks() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the number of tasks in this job.
getTasksPerNode() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the number of tasks per node.
getTempSpace() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Get the amount of temp space needed for process (in MBytes).
getType() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription
Returns the type of the property.
getUsername() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.DefaultCredential
getUsername() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.KeytabCredential
getUsername() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.PasswordCredential
getUsername() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.UserCredential
Returns the user name associated with this credential.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Get the current working directory of this file system.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Gets the path of the working directory for the executable.
GROUP_EXECUTE - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
Execute/search permission, group.
GROUP_READ - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
Read permission, group.
GROUP_WRITE - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
Write permission, group.


hasException() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyStatus
Has the Copy or status retrieval produced a exception ?
hasException() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobStatus
Has the Job or job retrieval produced a exception ?
hasException() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.QueueStatus
Did the queue produce an exception ?
hashCode() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CertificateCredential
hashCode() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CredentialMap
hashCode() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.DefaultCredential
hashCode() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.KeytabCredential
hashCode() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.PasswordCredential
hashCode() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
hashCode() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
hashCode() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
hashCode() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
hashCode() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription


IGNORE - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyMode
Skip the copy if the destination file if it already exists.
IncompleteJobDescriptionException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers
Signals that a JobDescription is missing required options.
IncompleteJobDescriptionException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.IncompleteJobDescriptionException
IncompleteJobDescriptionException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.IncompleteJobDescriptionException
InputWriter - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils
A simple input writer that uses a daemon thread to write from an String to an OutputStream.
InputWriter(String, OutputStream) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.InputWriter
Create a new InputWriter that writes content to the destination.
INTEGER - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription.Type
Properties of type INTEGER can be converted into a 32-bit signed integer using Integer.valueOf(String).
InvalidCredentialException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon
Signals that an invalid credential was used to access a resource.
InvalidCredentialException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.InvalidCredentialException
InvalidCredentialException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.InvalidCredentialException
InvalidJobDescriptionException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers
Signals that a JobDescription contains invalid values for certain options.
InvalidJobDescriptionException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.InvalidJobDescriptionException
InvalidJobDescriptionException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.InvalidJobDescriptionException
InvalidLocationException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon
Signals that an invalid location was provided.
InvalidLocationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.InvalidLocationException
InvalidLocationException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.InvalidLocationException
InvalidOptionsException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
Signals that an invalid combination of OpenOptions have been specified.
InvalidOptionsException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.InvalidOptionsException
InvalidOptionsException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.InvalidOptionsException
InvalidPathException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
Signals that an end-of-file was encountered.
InvalidPathException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.InvalidPathException
InvalidPathException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.InvalidPathException
InvalidPropertyException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon
Signals that a property has a different type than the get method it was retrieved with.
InvalidPropertyException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.InvalidPropertyException
InvalidPropertyException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.InvalidPropertyException
InvalidResumeTargetException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
Signals that the data in the target of a resume does not match the data in the source.
InvalidResumeTargetException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.InvalidResumeTargetException
InvalidResumeTargetException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.InvalidResumeTargetException
isAbsolute() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
isConnectionless() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystemAdaptorDescription
isDirectory() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Does the path refer to a directory ?
isDone() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyStatus
Is the Copy done?
isDone() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobStatus
Is the Job done.
isEmbedded() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.SchedulerAdaptorDescription
Is this an embedded scheduler ? Embedded schedulers are implemented inside the Xenon process itself.
isEmpty() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Is this Path empty ?
isExecutable() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Does the path refer to an executable file ?
isFinished() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.InputWriter
Poll if the InputWriter has finished writing.
isFinished() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.OutputReader
Returns if the OutputReader has finished (i.e., has reached the end-of-stream on the input).
isHidden() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Does the path refer to an hidden file ?
isLinux() - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Returns if we are currently running on Linux.
isLinuxRoot(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Check if root only contains a valid Linux root element, which is "/".
isLocalRoot(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Check if root contains a locally valid root element, such as "C:" on Windows or "/" on Linux and OSX.
isOpen() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Return if the connection to the FileSystem is open.
isOpen() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Test if the connection of this Scheduler is open.
isOSX() - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Returns if we are currently running on OSX.
isOSXRoot(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Check if root contains a valid OSX root element, which is "/".
isOther() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Is the path not a file, link or directory ?
isReadable() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Does the path refer to an readable file ?
isRegular() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Does the path refer to a regular file ?
isRunning() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyStatus
Is the Copy still running?
isRunning() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobStatus
Is the Job running.
isStartPerJob() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Will the executable be started per job? true by default.
isStartPerTask() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Will the executable be started per task? false by default.
isSymbolicLink() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Does the path refer to a symbolic link ?
isWindows() - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Returns if we are currently running on Windows.
isWindowsRoot(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Check if root only contains a valid Windows root element such as "C:".
isWritable() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAttributes
Does the path refer to a writable file ?
iterator() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Create an Iterator that returns all possible sub Paths of this Path, in order of increasing length.


JavaJobDescription - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils
A JobDescription specialized in Java applications.
JavaJobDescription() - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
JobDescription - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers
JobDescription contains a description of a job that can be submitted to a Scheduler.
JobDescription() - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Create a JobDescription.
JobDescription(JobDescription) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Create a JobDescription by copying an existing one.
JobStatus - Interface in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers
JobStatus contains status information for a specific job.


keySet() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CredentialMap
Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map.
KeytabCredential - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials
KeytabCredential(String, String) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.KeytabCredential


list(Path, boolean) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
List all entries in the directory dir.
LocalFileSystemUtils - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils
LONG - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription.Type
Properties of type LONG can be converted into a 64-bit signed long using Long.valueOf(String).


maybeThrowException() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyStatus
Throws the exception that occured during copying, if it exists.
maybeThrowException() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobStatus
Throws the exception produced by the Job or while retrieving the status, if it exists.
maybeThrowException() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.QueueStatus
Throws the exception produced by the queue if it exists.


NATURAL - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription.Type
Properties of type NATURAL may contain only positive values, including 0.
needsSizeBeforehand() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystemAdaptorDescription
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.DaemonThreadFactory
nl.esciencecenter.xenon - package nl.esciencecenter.xenon
This package is the main entry point into the Xenon API.
nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials - package nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials
This package contains classes and interfaces for managing credentials.
nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems - package nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
This package contains classes and interfaces for manipulating files.
nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers - package nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers
This package contains the classes and interfaces used to run jobs.
nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils - package nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils
This package is contains several utility classes.
normalize() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Normalize this Path by removing as many redundant path elements as possible.
NoSuchCopyException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
Signals that a unknown Copy handle was provided.
NoSuchCopyException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.NoSuchCopyException
NoSuchCopyException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.NoSuchCopyException
NoSuchJobException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers
Signals that a Job was not found.
NoSuchJobException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.NoSuchJobException
NoSuchJobException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.NoSuchJobException
NoSuchPathException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
Signals that a path does not exists.
NoSuchPathException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.NoSuchPathException
NoSuchPathException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.NoSuchPathException
NoSuchQueueException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers
Signals that a unknown queue was provided.
NoSuchQueueException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.NoSuchQueueException
NoSuchQueueException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.NoSuchQueueException


OTHERS_EXECUTE - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
Execute/search permission, others.
OTHERS_READ - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
Read permission, others.
OTHERS_WRITE - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
Write permission, others.
OutputReader - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils
A simple output reader that uses a daemon thread to read from an InputStream and buffer this data.
OutputReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.OutputReader
Create an OutputReader that reads from source.
OWNER_EXECUTE - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
Execute/search permission, owner.
OWNER_READ - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
Read permission, owner.
OWNER_WRITE - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
Write permission, owner.


PasswordCredential - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials
A Credential consisting of a username + password combination.
PasswordCredential(String, char[]) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.PasswordCredential
Create a new PasswordCredential using a char array as password.
PasswordCredential(String, String) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.PasswordCredential
Create a new PasswordCredential using a String as password.
Path - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
Path contains a sequence of path elements separated by a separator.
Path() - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Create a new empty Path using the default separator.
Path(boolean, String...) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Create a new Path using the given path elements and the default separator.
Path(boolean, List<String>) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Create a new Path using the given path elements and the default separator.
Path(char, boolean, String...) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Create a new Path using the given path elements and the provided separator.
Path(char, boolean, List<String>) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Create a new Path using the given path separator, absoluteness, and elements.
Path(char, String) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Create a new Path by parsing path using the provided separator.
Path(String) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Create a new Path by parsing path using the default separator.
PathAlreadyExistsException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
Signals that a path already exists.
PathAlreadyExistsException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAlreadyExistsException
PathAlreadyExistsException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PathAlreadyExistsException
PathAttributes - Interface in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
FileAttributes represents a set of attributes of a path.
PosixFilePermission - Enum in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems
PosixFilePermission is an enumeration containing all supported Posix file permissions.
PropertyTypeException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon
Signals that a property has a different type than the get method it was retrieved with.
PropertyTypeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.PropertyTypeException
PropertyTypeException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.PropertyTypeException
put(String, UserCredential) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CredentialMap
Add a Credential to the CredentialMap using key as a unique key.


QueueStatus - Interface in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers
QueueStatus contains status information for a specific queue.


readFromFile(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Open an existing file and return an InputStream to read from this file.
readSymbolicLink(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Reads the target of a symbolic link (optional operation).
relativize(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Create a relative Path between the given Path and this Path.
rename(Path, Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Rename an existing source path to a non-existing target path (optional operation).
REPLACE - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyMode
If the source and destination are a regular file, the destination file will be replaced.
resolve(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Resolve a Path represented as a String against this path.
resolve(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Resolve a Path against this Path.
resolveSibling(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Resolves the given Path to this paths parent Path, thereby creating a sibling to this Path.
run() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.InputWriter
Entry point for the Daemon thread.
run() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.OutputReader
Entry method for daemon thread.
run() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.StreamForwarder
Main entry method for the daemon thread.


Scheduler - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers
Scheduler represents a (possibly remote) scheduler that can be used to submit jobs and retrieve queue information.
SchedulerAdaptorDescription - Interface in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers
setArguments(String...) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Sets the command line arguments of the executable.
setArguments(String...) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
This method should not be used.
setCoresPerTask(int) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Set the number of cores needed for each task.
setEnvironment(Map<String, String>) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Sets the environment of the executable.
setExecutable(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Sets the path to the executable.
setJavaArguments(String...) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Sets the arguments of the java main class.
setJavaClasspath(String...) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Sets the java class path.
setJavaMain(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Sets the main class.
setJavaOptions(String...) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Sets the JVM options.
setJavaSystemProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
Sets the system properties.
setMaxMemory(int) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Set the amount of memory needed for process (in MBytes).
setMaxRuntime(int) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Set the maximum job duration in minutes.
setName(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Set the name of the job.
setPosixFilePermissions(Path, Set<PosixFilePermission>) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Sets the POSIX permissions of a path (optional operation).
setQueueName(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Set the queue name;
setSchedulerArguments(String...) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Sets the scheduler specific arguments for this job.
setStartPerJob() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Set if the executable must be started for once per job instead of for each task.
setStartPerTask() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Set if the executable must be started for each task instead of once per job.
setStartTime(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Set the start time of the job.
setStderr(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Sets the path to the file to which the executable must redirect stderr.
setStdin(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Sets the path to the file from which the executable must redirect stdin.
setStdout(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Sets the path to the file to which the executable must redirect stdout.
setTasks(int) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Set the number of tasks in this job.
setTasksPerNode(int) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Set the number of tasks allowed per node.
setTempSpace(int) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Set the amount of memory needed for process (in MBytes).
setWorkingDirectory(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
Sets the path of the working directory for the executable.
setWorkingDirectory(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Set the current working directory of this file system to directory.
SIZE - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription.Type
Properties of type SIZE can be converted into a 64-bit signed long using Long.valueOf(String).
startsWith(String) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Tests if this Path starts with the given Path represented as a String.
startsWith(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Tests if this Path starts with the given Path.
startsWithLinuxRoot(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Checks if the provide path starts with a valid Linux root, that is "/".
startWithRoot(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Checks if the provide path starts with a valid root, such as "/" or "C:".
startWithWindowsRoot(String) - Static method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.LocalFileSystemUtils
Checks if the provide path starts with a valid Windows root, for example "C:".
StreamForwarder - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils
A simple stream forwarder that uses a daemon thread to read from an InputStream and write it to a OutputStream.
StreamForwarder(InputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.StreamForwarder
Create a new StreamForwarder and start it immediately.
StreamForwarder(String, InputStream, OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.StreamForwarder
Create a new StreamForwarder and start it immediately.
Streams - Interface in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers
Streams is a container for the standard input, output and error streams of a job.
STRING - nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription.Type
Properties of type STRING are directly stored in a String without conversion.
submitBatchJob(JobDescription) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Submit a batch job.
submitInteractiveJob(JobDescription) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Submit an interactive job (optional operation).
subpath(int, int) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
Returns a Path that is a subsequence of the name elements of this path.
supportsBatch() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.SchedulerAdaptorDescription
Does this Scheduler support the submission of batch jobs ? For batch jobs the standard streams of the jobs are redirected from and to files.
supportsInteractive() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.SchedulerAdaptorDescription
Does this Scheduler supports the submission of interactive jobs ? For interactive jobs the standard streams of the job must be handled by the submitting process.
supportsReadingPosixPermissions() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystemAdaptorDescription
supportsRename() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystemAdaptorDescription
supportsSettingPosixPermissions() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystemAdaptorDescription
supportsThirdPartyCopy() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystemAdaptorDescription
Does this adaptor support third party copy ? In third party copy, a file is copied between two remote locations, without passing through the local machine first.


terminate(long) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.StreamForwarder
Wait for a given timeout for the StreamForwarder to terminate by reading an end-of-stream on the input.
toAbsolutePath() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
toRelativePath() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
toString() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.CertificateCredential
toString() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials.PasswordCredential
toString() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.Path
toString() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.JobDescription
toString() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.JavaJobDescription
toString() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription


UnknownAdaptorException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon
Thrown when an unknown adaptor name is provided.
UnknownAdaptorException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.UnknownAdaptorException
UnknownAdaptorException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.UnknownAdaptorException
UnknownPropertyException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon
Signals that a property has a different type than the get method it was retrieved with.
UnknownPropertyException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.UnknownPropertyException
UnknownPropertyException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.UnknownPropertyException
UnsupportedJobDescriptionException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers
Signals that a combination of options used in a JobDescription is not supported by a resource.
UnsupportedJobDescriptionException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.UnsupportedJobDescriptionException
UnsupportedJobDescriptionException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.UnsupportedJobDescriptionException
UnsupportedOperationException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon
Throw when an unsupported optional operation is called.
UnsupportedOperationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.UnsupportedOperationException
UnsupportedOperationException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.UnsupportedOperationException
UserCredential - Interface in nl.esciencecenter.xenon.credentials
usesFileSystem() - Method in interface nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.SchedulerAdaptorDescription
Does this Scheduler create a FileSystem to support the submission of jobs ? Many scheduler implementations use a FileSystem internally to handle job submission, for example to store submission scripts or handle the standard I/O streams of a process.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.CopyMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.PosixFilePermission
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitUntilDone(String, long) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Wait until a copy operation is done or until a timeout expires.
waitUntilDone(String, long) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Wait until a job is done or until a timeout expires.
waitUntilFinished() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.InputWriter
Wait until the InputWriter has finished writing.
waitUntilFinished() - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.utils.OutputReader
Waits until the OutputReader has finished (i.e., has reached the end-of-stream on the input).
waitUntilRunning(String, long) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.schedulers.Scheduler
Wait until a job starts running, or until a timeout expires.
writeToFile(Path) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Open a file and return an OutputStream to write to this file.
writeToFile(Path, long) - Method in class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.filesystems.FileSystem
Open a file and return an OutputStream to write to this file.


XenonException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon
XenonException is the parent exception for all exceptions raised in Xenon.
XenonException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonException
XenonException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonException
XenonPropertyDescription - Class in nl.esciencecenter.xenon
XenonPropertyDescription contains all necessary information about a property that is recognized by Xenon
XenonPropertyDescription(String, XenonPropertyDescription.Type, String, String) - Constructor for class nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonPropertyDescription
XenonPropertyDescription.Type - Enum in nl.esciencecenter.xenon
This Type enumeration lists all possible types of properties recognized by Xenon.
XenonRuntimeException - Exception in nl.esciencecenter.xenon
XenonRuntimeException is the parent for all runtime exceptions raised in Xenon.
XenonRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonRuntimeException
XenonRuntimeException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nl.esciencecenter.xenon.XenonRuntimeException
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